
When you think there’s nothing left to learn…

Have you reached all your goals? And, are you happy with the results? Or, do you still feel there is more out there you can achieve? You’re longing to take another step and to make that change; you wish to feel that passion and ambition to create again.
Yes, I know, you would, but you are just too caught up in your daily operations and business, right? “That’s just the way I am”, I often hear people say, or “That’s just the way our business works”. Being a coach,
I hear in these sentences a desire to do more, a desire for new perspectives and change. I have gathered some exemplary experiences from impressive personalities here who have inspired me with their strength, their authenticity, their humor and their ability to always take their surroundings into account.
But, most of all it is their will to never stop and their passion to keep achieving and realizing, which never seize to impress me. Let them inspire you too!


when fictions become reality

Do you remember James Bond using a navigation system in his Aston Martin and getting messages on his watch more than 50 years ago? For sure everybody giggled about this apparently unrealistic ideas back then.

Today we have GPS in our smart phones and cars. Your watch lets you receive notifications immediately.

Personel strategies will also move into a next generation. Companies will increasingly make use of Interim Managers. Seasoned executives will bring their tangible track record, industry experience, considerable networks with them when they work with customers.




do you watch football?

are you fascinated by great sporting achievements?

Then you surely ask yourself: Who or what is behind it, why is the team performing so well, how can one keep a group motivated for such a long time … and thus become the winner?

In brief: When it comes to success, everyone trusts their coaches and leaders to change the world.

Safety – a booming topic. Today we are in a “soft market”. More than enough capital is available, which puts pressure on premiums and motivation.

Alternative scenarios are required. Especially in the financial sector. We support you to develop the appropriate strategy.