interim management
Using an interim management for times with a high workload or for unforeseen exceptional situations enable these to be handled successfully and efficiently with a minimum of disruption. However, experienced and flexible interim managers at upper management level are rare. In the following situations, hiring an external interim manager is an excellent solution. He/she can be deployed optimally, both in terms of time and cost.
- Unavailable resources with sufficient experience at this management level
- Change of management
- Ongoing reorganisation
- Training, leave of absence or illness
- Temporary projects with high priority
why not nominating an internal candidate ?
At first glance, this might appear to be the best solution and should always be considered. However, temporary additional tasks can be very difficult to distribute, especially at top management level, and can even be ill-advised if they lead to management being over-loaded and distracted. It is often in such overworked times that crucial misguided decisions are taken.
In such phases, hiring an experienced interim manager is often the preferred solution. Whether it is to manage a team or a department, provide temporary support to management or to lead a project. Our management support can be guaranteed at short notice, and as it is an agreed temporary deployment, these placements provide enrichment without permanent resources needing to be allocated.

will an external line manager be accepted ?
In our experience, we have found that our placements are highly valued and viewed most positively. They bring a breath of fresh air and a new approach to existing teams. In addition, an interim manager is absolutely neutral and can make valuable suggestions for improvements, often from a completely new angle.
Nominating an internal colleague – even temporarily to a new position – can cause problems. In many cases, such colleagues might not be fully accepted by peers and direct reports. And to “demote” these talents back to their old position after completion of the task risks provoking frustration.